What is High Performance Coaching?


Life coaching is a relatively new industry.

Those who have hired great coaches and have experienced the results know the value.

I often receive the question, "What exactly IS coaching?" or "How is High Performance Coaching different from regular life coaching?"

As coaching becomes more and more popular - and as Certified High Performance Coaching continues to sweep the world as the #1 coaching process - teams, companies, and individuals are looking for top coaches to help them achieve at their maximum potential. 

Here’s my personal experience as both a coach and client of both general life coaching, as well as Certified High Performance Coaching.

So just as athletes and vocalists hire coaches to shorten their learning journeys and help them excel in their fields and reach certain goals or levels, people who want to excel at the game of life or business hire specific coaches to inspire, educate, and motivate them, and to hold them accountable to their intentions.

General life coaching can do all of the above with a great coach. And for such a new industry, there are countless genres of specific life and business coaching available.  As in any field, you’ll usually get the results and experience you are willing to invest in.

And of course the skill of the coach depends on the experience they bring to the session, the amount of time they’ve spent learning and honing their skills, the level of certification or training they’ve invested in, their natural conditioning toward coaching and intuitive questioning, and many other factors.

Certified High Performance Coaching does all of the above, and, it also does a lot more.

When I began coaching as a career 6 years ago, I was blessed to immediately stumble upon the world's #1 coaching certification - Certified High Performance Coaching - the only scientifically proven process and curriculum designed and tested over 20 years to develop High Performance in individuals, teams, and entire companies.

Based in empirical research and black and white results, High Performance Coaching boasts a 9.4 satisfaction rate in a life coaching industry where the average satisfaction rate is a 7.  As there's a big difference in a 70% satisfaction grade and a 94% satisfaction grade, I'm ecstatic to provide my clients with the system that delivers the latter.

There are many reasons for this higher rating.  

One being that Certified High Performance Coaching is the most rigorous, most expensive, and most sought after coaching certification in the world.

For my own personal training, each year I attend 5 full consecutive days immersed in live coaching training and role-plays led by the curriculum's founder, my mentor, Brendon Burchard. 

This is the most thorough and intensive training of the industry, and just as a nurse or practitioner must complete continual training, as a Certified High Performance Coach I'm required and always honored to re-certify every 2 years in order to remain current on the most recent findings and coaching practices in High Performance. 

Throughout the year I regularly review the recordings of these trainings, attend our Certified High Performance Coaching live training calls, as well as regularly hiring my own fellow Certified High Performance Coaches so that I'm always consistently the "client" of the very process I coach.

The training is extensive and continuous and I’m both proud of it and humbled to do it.  For my own personal practice I also consistently read one book per week in my field so that I'm always at the top of my game for my clients' individual needs.

As a mastery level coach, I'm blessed to coach all 3 levels of the High Performance curriculum, an honor given only to alumni who continue their ongoing training year after year.

If you’re interested in doing what I do as a Certified High Performance Coach and in having my personal guidance along your journey, send me an email at [email protected] and let me know you're thinking about it, as I would love to support you on your coaching journey, answer any questions you may have, and perhaps welcome you into a special training I offer to support fellow Certified High Performance Coaches who are beginning their practice as I once did.

Or if you’d like to experience the coaching for yourself, in a one-to-one Certified High Performance Coaching FREE Strategy Session with me, simply fill out the High Performance quiz / questionnaire and we’ll schedule your FREE session.  Each month I open up a few new spaces for complimentary sessions, and I would love to serve you with one of any remaining slots.

To give you an idea of what to expect on our call, here’s a detailed description:

What Certified High Performance Coaching Is and Isn’t:

High Performance Coaching is challenging and inspiring an individual to outperform their typical standard norms and life experiences, in order to live into their highest potential faster.

It is stoking the client’s ambition across all areas of their lives holistically - whether in their successes, relationships, well-being, career, purpose, mindset, energy, influence, etc.

It is conditioning their approach to life at a mastery level using a proven curriculum based in habits and driven by results.

As we know, there is as of yet no cap on human potential. There are no known limits as to what any of us is truly capable of achieving in this lifetime.

High Performance Coaching is collaborating with an individual or group or team to produce their maximum desired results but consistently, over the long term, so that they are striving satisfied through a fulfilling life.

Research shows that as humans live into their highest performing potential, they ultimately lead happier lives, as we’re inherently wired to pursue growth and fulfillment.

Happier lives lead to more peace, less stress, more collaboration, less distraction, more solutions, more contribution.

In my view it can be said therefore that life coaching of all genres and specifically High Performance Coaching, is literally saving the world.

I believe all coaching is good.  Any time we're exploring our ambitions or reflecting on our needs or goals and blocks with another person, we're gaining the invaluable resource of perspective and can use that to make our best decisions for the future.

But High Performance Coaching is the world's leading and scientifically proven curriculum for operationalizing the AHAs, epiphanies, and breakthroughs of your life.

No more waiting for motivation or inspiration to strike. We can strategize that, and we can prove it.

High Performance Coaching is not solving a client’s problems for them.

It’s not therapy as it has a predominantly future lean.

It’s not consulting or advising.

And it’s not about focusing on the myths of your "innate strengths" or "fixed" personality traits. Research shows that humans can transcend any of these limitations and more with the right approach.

For the client it’s about learning, practicing, and mastering the specific habits that lead to lasting transformation, flow, and productivity toward what is truly desired.

For the coach it’s about asking the thought-provoking, needle-moving questions that point the client to their own truths, insights, and next right actions, and training them from a proven syllabus that works.

The result is maximum levels of joy, full engagement with life, and an assertive, playful confidence fitting of a true leader or role model.

Should you decide to give it a try, you'll leave this 1-hour complimentary High Performance Strategy Session ready to implement custom strategies, tailored to your most immediate needs, goals, and dreams, and a plan in place to apply them consistently and scale them to reach your highest potential.

We'll dive deep into your current levels of Clarity, Energy, Courage, Productivity, and Influence, in order to maximize these 6 secrets of the world's highest performing achievers:

Psychology, Physiology, Productivity, Persuasion, Presence, and Purpose.

You'll learn to apply these cutting-edge techniques toward every new venture you approach in your life, career, or business moving forward.

To conduct our FREE Certified High Performance Strategy Session together, send me an email with any questions you may have at [email protected].

Or head straight to your High Performance quiz / questionnaire and send it over to me via the same email once you’ve filled it out.  Enjoy the self reflection time and I can't wait to connect.

And if you know of someone who is as curious about coaching as you have been, please share this post with them.

It’s no stretch to say that coaching saves lives, it uplifts the struggling, it awakens the overwhelmed, it uplevels the ambitious.

People can find their purpose through coaching. They can heal their most precious and wounded relationships. They can tap into their unlimited human potential. They can focus on the things that matter most to them, and cut out the distractions that are stealing away their dreams.  All of the above, and so much more that they may not have even expected.

I’m blessed to do this work every day and I want to help and fire up as many people as possible in my time on the planet.

There is another level of joy, fulfillment, confidence, engagement, and mastery, for each and every one of us.

High Performance is the most enjoyable and effective way to achieve that level.

I’d be honored to hear from you with any questions or thoughts you may have about the above.

Meanwhile, remember, you’re the only YOU in the Universe, so shine your star brightly!

Thank you for being here and make sure to keep in touch!

Many blessings and much love to you,

Inspirator, Award-winning entrepreneur and team leader, and Certified High Performance Coach



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